Tuesday 23 March 2010

Amazon introduces new Pricing Policy (Price Parity)

I run my own website and set prices to give me a fair return. I also list my stock on Amazon Marketplace and set prices higher to account for the Amazon selling fees. From 31 March, Amazon are introducing new terms and conditions which prevent sellers from pricing an item on other websites lower than they are selling it on Amazon. To comply with this, I will need to lower my prices on Amazon (and make a loss on many books) or raise prices on my own site which will reduce my sales and give my customers a worse deal.

Also see:
Amazon Referred to European Commission
Amazon Price Parity Does Not Apply to Books...
Amazon Introduces 'Tell us about a lower price'
Has 'The Book Depository' left Amazon?
Amazon Price Parity Does Not Apply to Books...
EU responds to Amazon Price Parity complaint

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